The start of something wonderful

It's so crazy to think that I just started my business a few months ago.  I've been given so much support and I'm just so incredibly appreciative.  October is looking super busy, which I'm so excited about!  I started it off on Saturday the 1st with a lovely family session.  Fall is in full swing and Christmas cards will need to go out before we know it!  How crazy is that?!

Kristen contacted me hoping to schedule a family/6 month baby session, which of course I couldn't wait to book!  We had originally planned her session at a different location.  We were all set to go until I found a diamond in the rough (as I like to call it).  My husband and I were out searching for photography spots when we literally drove by this gorgeous stretch of leaves, trees and shrubs.  It's literally off the side of the road!  It just looked like the perfect photography spot with great shade (we all know lighting is most important in my book) and beautiful fall colors. When I told Kristen about this I was secretly hoping she would go for it, I just felt good about it.  She jumped right in and said, "let's do it!"  I am so happy she said that because I LOVE the way her photos turned out.  Thanks for trusting me, Kristen!  

hailey hopkins